정회원가입안내 및


연맹가입비 : 30,000원
클럽연회비 :30,000원
연맹연회비 : 30,000원
합계금액 : 90,000원

가입비 입금계좌


예금주 : 이덕범(AKRK)

혈통서신청 입금계좌


예금주 : 이상경(AKRK)


HOME  >  커뮤니티  >  자유게시판
작성일 : 13-09-29 14:49
심사위원 주요 약력(정리편)
 글쓴이 : 김경태
조회 : 6,025  

My name is Bianka Miksic-Kasun, I live in Zagreb, capital town of Croatia.


I’m FCI International judge for rottweiler breed since 1993.


Name of my kennel is “ Majestic Rott “, I have now two rottweilers, Fate Flash Rouse and her son- Ashke Majestic Rott.


I purchased my first rottweiler in year 1988., and since then this wonderful breed is always present in my home and in my heart.

For me, rottweilers are one and only breed , best dogs on the whole world and I can’t imagine my life without them.


In year 1993. I became FCI judge for rottweilers, motivation for that was my desire to learn as much as possible about the breed.


On 1995. I was named by Croatian Kennel Union (HKS) as head breed warden for rottweiler breed for all Croatia. I obtained this function for many years.

During past years I was often guest on TV and some radio shows, talking
about our breed in positive manner, trying to explain to public how noble, friendly and great dogs rottweilers are.

I have been judging on many continents, had great opportunity to see so many rottweilers from whole world and to meet many people who love and take good care about our breed.